Babysitter service… Ibiza Villa!
Do you need a babysitter for your stay in Ibiza?
Holidays in freedom
Ibiza Villa opens the doors of its luxury villas to families who want to relax and enjoy the beauty of the island of Ibiza. But, as everybody knows, sometimes it is right to have some calm moment without kids around.

We deeply think it’s a right of parents to find their intimacy and a right of children to have fun with a qualified babysitter that takes care of them. That’s why we thought about this very special service. We created a team of highly qualified babysitters ready to come to your luxury villa to take care of your child or children to offer you a moment of calm with your friends or your beloved.
How does it work
Ibiza Villa has the sole purpose of putting in contact our babysitters and our specialized personnel with the parents who need this service during their stay in one of our luxury villa. We do not pretend to make your life easier, but we are sure we will manage to make your vacation trouble-free. Our babysitting service will help you to relax during your vacations and will provide competent support in the care of your children.

Quality service
Ibiza Villa has expressly searched for a trained team of babysitters prepared for assistance with seriousness and sensitivity with respect to educational and growth needs: each Ibiza Villa’s babysitter is a trusted and responsible professional, expert in the occasional care of children of any age. With Ibiza Villa nothing is left to improvisation, because we don’t just put you in touch with babysitters close to your luxury villa. In fact, we provide you competent babysitters selected directly by us. They are attentive and punctual professional operators controlled by our company to offer you a service tailored to your needs, with our guarantee of seriousness.
Certain guarantees
For the delicacy of the role covered in babysitting, above all, we guarantee you a referenced babysitter with empathic communication skills, both verbal and non-verbal, and knowledges of child development and educational needs with reference to the different ages. Ibiza Villa’s babysitters are always available, every day of the week, to stay with children from minimum of 2 hours. You can customize their service according to your needs: they will be the ideal game company for your child, always available and ready to respect your requests. Our babysitters are ready to take care of your children to permit you to take a moment just for yourself.