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March 31, 2019

Advices for a non-fraud villa rental in Ibiza

safe rental villa ibiza, Advices for a non-fraud villa rental in Ibiza

These last few years Ibiza became one of the most renown destinations in the world and the number of travelers who want to rent a villa on the island increases every year. But in parallel with this increase, several cases of scams in the tourist rental of houses and villas in Ibiza have been reported. For this reason it is essential to book through a specialized company in the sector that can offer to its customers its professionalism, rigor and experience. At Ibiza Villa we have been working since 1998 in the management of touristic villas rentals in Ibiza for a national and international clientele, so we can list the several steps to follow to book a villa in Ibiza safely and without any fraud.

How to choose a villa rental company in Ibiza?

  • Choose trusted companies

The first thing to do to find out if the company has guarantees, is to look on its website for the tax identification (VAT) and license numbers. Usually this information appears at the bottom of the website, as indicated on our own webpage: our CIF (E57689002) and our license number (2017013127). If the customer wants to double check that the data communicated by the company is correct, he can always verify the authenticity contacting the “Registro de empresas, actividades y establecimientos turísticos of the Consell Insular of Eivissa”. This approach can be complicated from abroad so another option for the client is to ask the villa rental company some additional documentation to accredit its real professionalism.

safe rental villa ibiza, Advices for a non-fraud villa rental in Ibiza
Follow our tips and avoid disappointments in your villa rental in Ibiza. © Adobe Stock
  • Check the given information

Another recommended step to book a villa with the guarantee of not getting scammed is to check the data provided by the agency via other companies. For this the customer can ask about the additional services that the company offers and with which other local companies it cooperates (car rentals, boat rentals, tour companies, catering companies, …). Then the customer can take contact with them in order to confirm the existence of a commercial relationship between the two. This option is probably the best way to answer the question: is it a scam or a real company in the villa rental business in Ibiza?

safe rental villa ibiza, Advices for a non-fraud villa rental in Ibiza
Do not make any payment until you have the necessary guarantees. © Pixabay
  • Do not rely on overly economic offers

If a villa rental company in Ibiza offers in its catalog strangely low rates in high season the best is not to trust it to avoid any risk of scam. In order to ensure that the company offers warranties, we recommend that the customer follows the recommendations previously described in this article.

  • Do not make premature payments

And most important of all: do not make any bank transfer for booking the rental until you get the total security you are facing a trustworthy villa rental company in Ibiza.

Category: Villas


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