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July 23, 2020

Punic Necropolis of Puig Des Molins

Punic Necropolis, Punic Necropolis of Puig Des Molins

Punic Necropolis of Puig des Molins is the cemetery of the antient Phoenician and Punic city of Ebusus and it is the oldest and most important necropolis of Ibiza.

The Necropolis is located near the historic center, on a hill downtown Ibiza. Positioned near puig de Vila because it was common in the Phoenician towns to have life and death activities not far from each other’s.

The most abundant elements in the Necropolis are the Punic hypogea which are rectangular wells of access and a quadrangular shaped subterranean chamber.

Externally we can see 350 graves but in reality there are about 3000, named hypogea.

During the visit to the museum you will be able to access to some of the hypogea, those with stairs and illumination.

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Punic Necropolis, Punic Necropolis of Puig Des Molins

The Necropolis has a complex chronologic sequence that can be divided into ten phases, from the Phoenician and archaic age until the contemporary one.

Furthermore, it is a necropolis preserved in an exceptionally good way and it is considered the most important funerary group in the Mediterranean Occident.

The tourists together with the necropolis area must also visit the necropolis Museum and the Archaeological Museum, in Dalt Vila, where it is possible to find specific Punic and Phoenician wrecks.

Models and the Pantheon of gods Ball Hamon and Eshmum, together with Tanit, the Carthaginian goddess of Ibiza.

Its museum offers to the tourist a tour as a trip to death in the ancient island: a way to learn the habits and traditions of those days.

Its name, Puig des Molins means that on the top of this site there were windmills. They are documented since the XV century, but in current days we can only see its towers.

The Punic Necropolis has been declared as World Heritage in 1999 by UNESCO.

Punic Necropolis, Punic Necropolis of Puig Des Molins

The site of the Punic Necropolis of Puig des Molins has at present several activities for children and

adults to catch the curiosity of the tourists and residents for the different cultures that populated Ibiza and to learn part of the Hispanic history.

From Avenida de España to reach the Punic Necropolis you must continue until Vara de Rey and once

you reach the Vodafone shop, on the corner, you must follow the road uphill until you reach the necropolis.

Do you need information regarding the Punic Necropolis of Puig Des Molins in Ibiza? Contact us we are here to give you all the information you need.


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